We invite you to a creative seminar on the subject: Making business out of circular fashion

Everyone is talking about sustainable fashion, yet nothing seems to change. There are a lot of "less harmful materials", eco-conscious collections, and clothing recycling bins - but the big shifts in terms of truly changing how clothing is used, shared and given new life, remains elusive.

On December 5 we’ll dive into how a new era of digital products and services can make sharing and caring for our clothes more accessible, fun, and affordable than the alternative. We will also put an emphasis on how these new business models can work, and how companies can profit. What is the emerging business case?

Kristoffer Lundholm, Head of Sustainability at EY Doberman’s future manifestation lab SALLY, will present our findings from exploring what a new era of circular fashion could look like through the lens of digital products and services.

Peter Algurén, Director at EY Consulting, will share insights from his work as a circular transition coach, helping companies to turn circular into a business opportunity.

Johanna Norrman, founder and CEO of the subscription based fashion rental service It's Re:Leased will be joining us as well. We’ll engage her in a conversation about her experiences of running a circular startup, the ups and the downs - and the experience of not being able to secure capital when the company was ready to grow. It's Re:Leased shut down operations earlier this year.

Expect inspiring talks, a snack and new ideas on how to turn this world more circular. We would love to see you there!

Welcome to a new era of fashion

What: Afternoon seminar & workshop
With: Kristoffer Lundholm (Head of Sustainability at EY Doberman SALLY), Peter Algurén (Director at EY Consulting), and Johanna Norrman (circular fashion advocate)
Where: PARK49 (Västsvenska Handelskammaren), Parkgatan 49, 411 38 Göteborg (600m from Centralstation)
When: 5th of December at 15:00 – 16.45.

Seats are very limited. RSVP below to secure a seat.